Wednesday, September 17, 2014


While swimming laps today I was reminded of how similar it was to rowing in an odd way. If you are swimming freestyle right you never really look forward where you are going. You simply take ques from the lines on the bottom of the pool before doing a flip turn. While doing the breast stroke I was reminded of slide control because as you ready yourself for the next stroke you slow down in the water much like the recovery in rowing. Long story short everything is rowing and its obviously on my mind a lot today. If only I could focus this much on the piles of school work that never ends. Its funny how as I run on a daily low energy level my body/brain prioritize my energy for me. Such as, if the teacher starts repeating themselves or is talking about a subject I find uninteresting I will immediately fall asleep. Regardless of coffee or not I still can pass out and it feels like narcolepsy. I would try taking a nap after classes but I always have to much hw to do so.  Hopefully I can either find a time for naps or find a better method to stay awake.

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